Medicaid managed care organizations’ (MCO) major third-party administrator, ATA (now HN1), places financial limits on access to pediatric therapies, including speech, occupational, and physical therapy for enrollees aged 3-20 in violation of EPSDT. HN1’s policies and procedures with regard to provider authorizations and notices also violate due process rights guaranteed under federal law. These EPSDT and due process violations have driven many pediatric therapists out of MCO networks, resulting in lack of network adequacy in several Florida regions. In partnership with the National Health Law Program, FHJP filed a complaint of behalf of two children in need of significant speech therapy being denied that critical therapy because of the HN1 Model. More information about the case can be found here: Voiceless: Medicaid Scheme Harms Children And Therapists (
Florida Health Justice Project engages in comprehensive advocacy to expand health care access and promote health equity for vulnerable Floridians.
A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) toll-free within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.