Covering Florida | Consumers can also go directly to the Covering Florida website to schedule their own appointment.
CMS letter to State Health Officials (SHO) letter outlining new requirements that impact state activities in unwind from the COVID-19 public health emergency. The SHO also addresses changes to the conditions which states must meet to receive increased federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP), reporting requirements, and new enforcement authority for CMS to ensure state compliance with eligibility redetermination and reporting requirements.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Informational Bulletin | On Jan 5, 2023, CMS issued an informational bulletin that provided key dates related to the expiration of Medicaid continuous enrollment condition, including an end date of March 31, 2023. States will have up to 12 months to initiate, and 14 months to complete, a renewal for all individuals enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (KidCare).
ASPE Projections of Enrollment Impacts of Expiration of COVID Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision (August 19, 2022) This report includes HHS estimates regarding the number of individuals nationwide who are predicted to lose Medicaid coverage after the PHE ends. The report includes those who will lose Medicaid because they are no longer eligible (8.2 million), as well as those who are still eligible but will likely lose Medicaid due to administrative issues (6.8 million). An estimated 383,000 current Medicaid recipients in non-expansion states will fall into the “coverage gap“.
Notice of Case Action: Medicaid Approval and Ineligible Determination | The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF)’s Notice of Case Action sent to current Medicaid enrollees who have maintained eligibility due to the PHE. The Notice underscores the need to contact DCF with any updates.
Covering Florida Navigators, part ofFlorida Covering Kids & Families (FL-CKF),provides outreach and enrollment services free of charge to Floridians looking for healthcare options through the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Local navigator contact information can be foundhere.
This 50-state report conducted by Kaiser Family Foundation and the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families in January 2022 presents a snapshot of actions states are taking to prepare for the lifting of the continuous enrollment requirement, as well as key state Medicaid enrollment and renewal procedures in place during the PHE.