NEWS Florida’s Deloitte-run computer system cut off new moms entitled to Medicaid

NEWS FHJP's Alison Yager and partners on the dire threats to Medicaid

Without Medicaid, Fulgencio could not get the surgery, physical therapy and treatment he needed for his debilitating back condition, which caused him to experience daily pain.


Miami, FL

Age 57

Fulgencio is a fifty-seven-year-old United States citizen who was a political prisoner in Cuba where he was tortured and experienced traumatic brain injuries and other physical injuries that left him permanently disabled. He fled to Miami as a refugee. He received Medicaid through his minor son for a few years. He lost Medicaid when his son turned 18.

He suffers from crippling nerve damage. Fulgencio and others like him need and deserve adequate care for life-long, chronic illnesses.

Without Medicaid, Mr. Gallo could not get the surgery, physical therapy and treatment he needed for his debilitating back condition, which caused him to experience daily pain. He suffers from crippling nerve damage. Fulgencio and others like him need and deserve adequate care for life-long, chronic illnesses.

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