NEWS Florida’s Deloitte-run computer system cut off new moms entitled to Medicaid

NEWS FHJP's Alison Yager and partners on the dire threats to Medicaid

Health Law Awards

Every 2 years the Florida Bar Foundation designates Goldstein-Van Nortwick Awards for Excellence. These prestigious awards are in recognition of significant impact projects affecting a substantial number of poor people and addressing important poverty law issues. The Florida Health Justice Project has received these competitive biennial awards two times since our work began in 2018.  Like the Goldstein-Van Nortwick Award, the Florida Bar Foundation (the Foundation) issues the Paul Doyle Children’s Advocacy Award (“Doyle Award”) to recognize and encourage systemic legal advocacy on behalf of low-income children accomplished by the Foundation’s Grantees. In 2023, upon its first application for the Doyle Award, Florida Health Justice Project was awarded First Runner-up for its work to ensure medically fragile children continued to receive critical medical services, like consumable medical supplies and private duty nursing services, when they turned age 21.
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