NEWS Florida’s Deloitte-run computer system cut off new moms entitled to Medicaid

NEWS FHJP's Alison Yager and partners on the dire threats to Medicaid

Ambiorix is a 59-year-old United States Citizen who came to the United States from the Dominican Republic in 1998. Ambiorix used to work in construction but has not worked since February 2011 because of his hematological disorders and depression. He currently lives with his wife, who works cleaning houses.


Miami, FL

Age 59

Ambiorix needs medical care and relies on his Jackson card for his health care since he is unable to work due to the multitude of health problems he experiences. He and his wife barely get by and have no money to pay for doctor visits and medications.


Expanding Medicaid would allow Ambiorix to access the healthcare, treatment, and medication he needs to function day-to-day.


Ambiorix already struggles to maintain the level of self-care needed to keep his diabetes under control and has to take several medications for his other health impairments. Ambiorix would benefit significantly from Medicaid expansion to help alleviate any difficulties in affording treatment due to his limited income. Expanding Medicaid would allow Ambiorix to access the healthcare, treatment, and medication he needs to function day-to-day. It would also alleviate the stress of finding a way to pay for what he needs out of pocket. He would describe the possibility of having health insurance as “amazing, [since] in this country medications and medical care is so expensive and with insurance I would be able to get the treatment I need.”

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