NEWS Florida’s Deloitte-run computer system cut off new moms entitled to Medicaid

NEWS FHJP's Alison Yager and partners on the dire threats to Medicaid

From a personal story to a national advocate

Alene Shaheed

Jacksonville, FL

A challenging experience with her Medicaid coverage back in 2020, elevated Alene Shaheed’s advocacy skills to higher levels. Since May of 2024, she serves as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Direct Care Workforce Strategy Center, a government agency that is connected to the Administration of Community Living Funds. This Agency ensures that older adults and individuals with disabilities can live independently and actively engage in their communities.

“I am very grateful for the support I have received from the Florida Health Justice Project, as well as other organizations who are serving disabled seniors. Being part of this advisory committee gives me a great opportunity to bring my lived experience to advocate for many other seniors who depend on Medicaid to survive”, stated Alene.

Alene contacted FHJP in 2020 when she was having issues with the number of hours that Medicaid was providing for home assistance. Those hours were significantly reduced, which left Alene in a very precarious situation due to the fact that she is wheelchair bound and needs assistance to live independently and with dignity.

Thanks to her determination and the support of FHJP and Justice in Aging, Alene was able to get the support she needed at the time. Later, during the peak of the Covid 19 pandemic, Alene confronted multiple days without any home care support, mostly on weekends due to the low wages that home aides received. This inspired Alene to testify before the Senate Select Committee on Aging where she advocated for better salaries for home aides.The national Advisory Committee of the Direct Care Workforce Strategy Center is composed of 26 stakeholders, primarily direct care professionals and people who receive home and community-based services.

Read Alene’s previous story entries here and here.

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