NEWS Florida’s Deloitte-run computer system cut off new moms entitled to Medicaid

NEWS FHJP's Alison Yager and partners on the dire threats to Medicaid

Ending The Continuous Medicaid Coverage Requirement: The Impact on Florida Families



Portal Resource Materials

00 min 00 sec | Ending the Continuous Medicaid Coverage Requirement

An overview of the end of the pandemic-related continuous Medicaid coverage
requirement; Department of Children and Families (DCF) Redetermination Plan
and timeline, current DCF notices, purpose of the video, general topics covered.

CMS: Unwinding and Returning to Regular Operations
DCF Redetermination Plan
DCF Timeline
DCF Notices

02 min 59 sec | Overview of Florida’s Medicaid Program

Descriptions of the groups eligible for Medicaid in Florida because they are either in a low income family (child, parent/caregiver, pregnant) or are aged, blind, or disabled.

Groups eligible for Medicaid
Family-Related Medicaid Fact Sheet
SSI-Related Medicaid Fact Sheet
SSI-Related Medicaid Income Limits

03 min 21 sec | Medicaid income limits for different family members

An explanation of how to calculate the income eligibility for different family
members and Medicaid eligibility rules.

Family-Related Medicaid Income Limits Chart
F.A.C. 65A-1.703; F.A.C. 65A-1.705
National Health Law Program Guide to MAGI
FHJP chart –Family-Related Medicaid Income Limits
FHJP chart –Florida Healthy Kids Income Limits
ESS Program Policy Manual

06 min 10 sec | Groups most at risk of losing Medicaid; and ex-parte requirement

Parents or caregivers whose income is above the eligibility limit
Parents and caregivers whose youngest child turned 18
Children under 19 whose family income has increased
Federal regulation regarding renewal (42 CFR 435.916)
Florida rule regarding family-related redetermination (Fla Admin Code
DCF “ex parte” review policy for recipients losing SSI
What if my DCF notice says my Medicaid is ending, but I am disabled?

11 min 04 sec | Medically Needy Program

Those losing full Medicaid because they are over income for their current
coverage category are enrolled in the Medically Needy program.

Sample notice of Medicaid termination because over income and enrollment in Medically Needy
Medically Needy Program Information
DCF ESS Policy Manual Relation of Share of Cost (Page 34, 2630.0500

12 min 36 sec | Family Planning Waiver (FPW)

Most women losing full Medicaid will be eligible for enrollment in the FPW.

Medicaid Family Planning Waiver

13 min 02 sec | ACA marketplace options and local navigator resources

Many adults losing Medicaid will be eligible for health plan subsidies through the
Federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Covering Florida Navigators, part of Florida Covering Kids & Families (FL-CKF), provides free outreach and enrollment

Covering Florida Statewide Navigator List
Local navigator map
Form for requesting contact from Covering Florida

13 min 23 sec | Coverage Gap

Information about the coverage gap:

The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid | KFF
A History of Florida’s Failure to Pass Medicaid Expansion
Join the Coalition: Healthcare for Florida
Florida Health Justice Project Medicaid Expansion Stories

15 min 25 sec | Special Considerations for 19-20 year olds

While most 19-20 year olds will likely be terminated from Medicaid they are now
over income, many could remain eligible for Medicaid under certain circumstances.

Youth who turned 19-20 since March 2020

17 min 53 sec | Increase in Medicaid adult enrollment since March 2020

Graphs showing the Medicaid enrollment increase of adults (parents & caregivers, 19-20 year olds) between March 2020 and March 2023

Medicaid Adult Enrollment Increase (21+)
19-20 year old increase

18 min 39 sec | Preparing for redetermination

Below are useful links for those who may be disabled, those who do not yet have
an online account with DCF, and those who need to update their address.

Apply for benefits with the Social Security Administration
Create an Access account with DCF
Update your Address (After log in scroll to “Update Address”)

19 min 02 sec | Resources on filing an appeal

For clients whose termination notices appeal incorrect:

DCF’s online form for filing an appeal is here.
Florida’s legal aid programs and the counties they serve are listed on this
Florida Bar Foundation website here.
Advocates & navigators can refer clients via this form: Assistance Request Form
People impacted by the Medicaid “unwind,” including those losing
coverage, are invited to share their stories here.
My DCF notice says Medicaid benefits are ending, what can I do? (Español) (Kreyol ayisyen)
A toolkit for handling your Medicaid appeal is available here.

19 min 13 sec | Production credits


The Florida Health Justice Project is deeply grateful to the National Health Law
Program and Health Foundation of South Florida for their support of this project.

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