Floridians whose disabilities require a nursing home level of care may be eligible to receive home and community based services (HCBS) through the state’s Long-Term Care (LTC) Medicaid Waiver. In Florida, there is a waiting list for this program. Once an individual is “released” from the waitlist and found eligible, she/he selects a managed care plan which provides HCBS, as well as regular Medicaid services.
What are my rights at the application stage?
What are my rights after I am found eligible and select a plan?
How do I get more information or help regarding these rights?
This “Know Your Rights Flyer” is based on information in the Advocate’s Guide to the Florida Long-Term Care Waiver, prepared by the Florida Health Justice Project (FHJP). While FHJP does not provide legal services or direct assistance to individuals, we do provide technical assistance to local legal services staff. You can find contact information for your local legal services office at this website, https://thefloridabarfoundation.org/florida-legal-aid-programs/.
If you are having difficulty getting needed HCBS services and want to “share your story,” you can contact the FHJP stories project at this website, https://www.floridahealthstories.org/long-term-care.
This material was prepared thanks to generous support from the Retirement Research Foundation.