FHJP defiende, educa e involucra a las comunidades para cerrar la brecha de cobertura. FHJP también apoya a quienes han perdido la cobertura de Medicaid tras la pandemia.
FHJP pone un rostro humano a las cuestiones de política sanitaria contando las historias de los floridanos afectados por las leyes y políticas existentes. Sus situaciones reales ofrecen a los responsables políticos una guía para elaborar soluciones eficaces.
A medida que surgen nuevos problemas, analizamos el impacto de las políticas y propuestas de atención sanitaria estatales y federales en las comunidades de Florida, los proveedores de atención sanitaria y los residentes con bajos ingresos.
El litigio es una herramienta de último recurso que utilizamos para hacer valer los derechos sanitarios de los floridanos vulnerables.
Consultor de evaluación
Supervising Attorney
Director de Pro Bono
Especialista multimedia
Defensora de los derechos sanitarios
Director de Participación y Narración
Administrador del programa
Presidente de la Junta
Tesorero del Consejo
Debido a nuestro tamaño y al alcance de nuestro trabajo, prestamos asesoramiento, consejo y servicios directos en tipos de casos muy limitados. Actualmente solo podemos responder a las solicitudes de asistencia o asesoramiento de:
1) personas cuyo derecho a Medicaid haya finalizado o esté previsto que finalice a partir del 30 de abril de 2023.
2) Residentes del Condado de Miami-Dade con casos de deudas médicas. Para todos los demás asuntos, le sugerimos que se ponga en contacto con su programa local de asistencia jurídicaEl Servicio de referencia de abogados del Colegio de Abogados de Florida o Derechos de los discapacitados Florida.
2427 Tequesta Lane
+754 231 0106
09:00 horas
+754 231 0106
Florida Health Justice Project se dedica a la defensa integral para ampliar el acceso a la atención sanitaria y promover la equidad sanitaria para los floridanos vulnerables.
Una copia del registro oficial y la información financiera se puede obtener de la división de servicios al consumidor llamando al número gratuito 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) dentro del estado. El registro no implica respaldo, aprobación o recomendación por parte del estado.
Director Ejecutivo
Alison es una abogada con más de 20 años de experiencia en los sectores gubernamental y sin ánimo de lucro que defiende los intereses de las mujeres, los niños y las personas marginadas. Llega a Miami procedente de Nueva York, donde ocupó recientemente el cargo de Directora de Iniciativas Políticas para la Salud Materna, Infantil y Reproductiva en el Departamento de Salud e Higiene Mental de la ciudad de Nueva York. Su trabajo incluía colaborar con partes interesadas internas y externas para identificar nuevas iniciativas políticas y programáticas, realizar análisis y desarrollar informes políticos para apoyar la generación de iniciativas políticas, y abogar a favor o en contra de la promulgación de políticas en todos los niveles de gobierno.
Tras graduarse en el Programa de Derecho y Política de Interés Público de la Facultad de Derecho de la UCLA en 2001, la Sra. Yager recibió una beca de Equal Justice Works para prestar servicios jurídicos a jóvenes en el Centro de Servicios Jurídicos de The Door en Manhattan, y posteriormente trabajó como abogada de plantilla al servicio de jóvenes víctimas de violencia de pareja en Break the Cycle- New York (ahora Day One). De 2006 a 2014, Alison trabajó en el HIV Law Project de Nueva York, primero como abogada de plantilla y después como abogada supervisora de políticas sobre el VIH. Comenzó su carrera como organizadora comunitaria para el Children's Defense Fund-NY.
Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de California en Los ÁngelesLos Angeles, CA, Doctor en Derecho, 2001
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA, Licenciatura en Artes, 1995
Miembro del Colegio de Abogados: Nueva York
Admisiones judiciales: 2nd Cir., S. District
Director de Promoción
Lynn joined our team in 2023, bringing expertise from her 25 years of diverse legal practice in the public and private sectors. Prior to joining FHJP, Lynn was the Legal Advocate for the Florida Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, which operates to protect the health, safety, welfare and rights of residents of long-term care facilities. There, in addition to providing legal guidance to the program and the approximately 200 certified ombudsmen who work directly with long-term care residents, she undertook a project with legal service providers throughout the State to enhance the availability of legal services for these residents.
Prior to her work with the Ombudsman Program, Lynn was in private practice with Meyer, Brooks, Blohm and Hearn, P.A. for more than ten years where she represented individuals and organizations in education, employment, and election-related litigation. She assisted countless public school teachers and professors in protecting their employment and professional licenses. She was also instrumental in successfully blocking a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution which would have eliminated the exclusive authority of local school boards to establish and operate public schools in their respective districts. Before this, Lynn served in state government, as General Counsel for the Florida Department of State and Deputy Solicitor General. She graduated from the Florida State University College of Law (J.D.) and the College of William and Mary (B.A. in Economics).
Universidad de Florida, Facultad de Derecho Fredric G. Levin; Juris Doctor Cum Laude, 2008; Matrícula de Honor en Investigación y Redacción Jurídica
Universidad del Estado de Florida, Tallahassee, FL, Licenciatura en Ciencias Cum Laude
Board Membership: Disability Rights Florida, Sept. 2016 – present
UF College of Law, Center on Children & Families, Advisory Board Member
Miembro del Colegio de Abogados: Florida
Admisiones judiciales: United States District Courts for the Northern & Middle Districts of Florida; Eleventh Circuit, United States Court of Appeals
Of Counsel, Founder
Miriam, una de las principales defensoras de Medicaid en Florida, fundó el Florida Health Justice Project en 2017. Fue directora ejecutiva de FHJP durante cuatro años y directora de defensa durante tres años.
Miriam lleva toda la vida creyendo que la atención sanitaria es un derecho humano y ha dedicado su carrera a ayudar a garantizar el acceso a la atención a los floridanos con bajos ingresos. Antes de fundar el FHJP, fue una destacada abogada especializada en la salud de los pobres en programas de servicios jurídicos estatales y locales y profesora adjunta en la Clínica de Derecho Sanitario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Internacional de Florida. Miriam formó parte de la Junta del Programa Nacional de Derecho Sanitario (NHeLP).
Miriam fue la abogada principal en varios casos ante tribunales federales que dieron lugar a una ayuda estatal para los beneficiarios de Medicaid. Estos resultados exitosos, incluyendo casos en tribunales federales de primera impresión y de importancia nacional, son el resultado de un trabajo altamente colaborativo con abogados de NHeLP, abogados de ayuda legal de Florida y abogados pro bono. A nivel local, Miriam dirigió esfuerzos de colaboración que mejoraron el acceso y la transparencia en el hospital financiado con fondos públicos del condado de Miami-Dade. Este trabajo incluye quejas administrativas que desafían con éxito las políticas de depósito de admisión de pacientes ambulatorios y hospitalizados, la discriminación contra los residentes del condado nacidos en el extranjero, y las violaciones de las protecciones de los consumidores previstas en la Ley de Asistencia Asequible, la primera queja de este tipo en la nación.
University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, WI Juris Doctor, 1979
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Bachelor of Arts, 1975
Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Honors in Social Thought and Institutions
K.G. ex rel. Garrido v. Dudek, 981 F. Supp. 2d 1275 (S.D. Fla. 2013), aff’d in part and modified in part, 731 F. 3d 1152 (11th Cir. 2013). Successfully challenged Florida’s rule excluding coverage of any behavioral treatments of autism, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the only evidence-based treatment for autism.
Smith v. Benson, 703 F. Supp.2d 1262 (S.D. Fla.) Successfully challenged the state Medicaid rule that excluded coverage of diapers without exception. Court granted summary judgment and permanent injunctive relief.
Reid, et al. v. Agwunobi, Case No. 08-60040 Civ-Zlock (S.D. Fla. 2008.) Successfully challenged the Medicaid agency’s failure to provide the requisite notice regarding good cause disenrollment rights form Medicaid managed care organizations. Prior to a ruling on summary judgment, the agency agreed to amend their notices and choice counselor script to comply with federal law in the case, and the parties settled.
Edmonds, et al. v. Levine, 417 F. Supp. 2d 1323 (S.D. Fla. 2006) Successfully challenged state policy of denying off-label uses of a widely prescribed drug. Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment was granted, and the Court ordered permanent injunctive relief.
Hernandez, et al. v. Medows, No. 02-20964, U. S. Dist. Ct., S.D. Fla. Class of present and future Medicaid recipients whose prescription drug claims were denied without notice or hearing rights challenged the state’s violation of due process. under federal Medicaid law and the Fourteenth Amendment. Court certified the class (see Hernandez v. Medows, 209 F.R.D. 665), and the parties executed a comprehensive and enforceable settlement agreement which is incorporated in a final order and in the state’s rule governing prescription drug coverage.
Cross Creek Health Care v. DeCosta, 818 So. 2d 502, (Fla.1st DCA 2002) Successfully represented client in appeal of nursing home discharge.
Harris, et al. v. Cook, No. 96-2994 Civ (S.D. Fla. 1996) Successful class action which challenged the Agency for Health Care Administration’s (AHCA) approval of a plan that eliminated Medicaid coverage of nonpublic transportation services for all mental health day treatment patients in Miami-Dade County.
Kurnik v. Agency for Health Care Administration, 661. So. 2d 914 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995) Successful appeal on behalf of client seeking reimbursement for out-of-pocket losses due to Medicaid agency errors. Court found that Florida’s policy of providing reimbursement only to providers violated the client’s rights under federal Medicaid law .
2006 Florida Bar Foundation Steven M. Goldstein Award for Excellence
2007 Daily Business Review (South Florida) Award for Most Effective Class Action Lawyer
2010 Daily Business Review Award for Most Effective Public Interest Lawyer
2013 Florida Bar Foundation Paul Doyle Award for Children’s Advocacy Award
2014 Daily Business Review Award for Most Effective Public Interest Lawyer
2014 Joined National Health Law Program Board of Directors
2015 Georgetown Center for Children and Families Annual Award for Healthcare Advocacy
2022 Health Foundation of South Florida, Inspiring Women of Health Award
Miembro del Colegio de Abogados: Florida
Admisiones judiciales: S.D. Fla., M.D. Fla., N.D. Fla., 11th Cir. Ct. App., W.D. Wis., W.D.
Director Jurídico
Katy es una de las principales expertas del estado en derecho de Medicaid. Antes de convertirse en Directora Jurídica, Katy fue la abogada gerente de la Asociación Médico Legal del Noreste de Florida de Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, donde aseguró una financiación significativa y sostenida para la asociación por primera vez en sus 12 años de historia. Katy también desempeñó un papel de liderazgo en el desarrollo de una red de asociación médico-legal en todo el estado y ayudó a cientos de clientes con el acceso a la elegibilidad y los servicios de Medicaid a través de la defensa administrativa individual.
Katy comenzó su carrera jurídica en 2008 como becaria de Equal Justice Works. La beca dio lugar a varias victorias en los tribunales de apelación de distrito y a una impugnación constitucional federal exitosa del régimen legal de Florida para el internamiento involuntario de personas con discapacidades del desarrollo. Este último caso dio lugar a la modificación de la ley estatal de Florida para garantizar una revisión anual de las personas internadas.
Más recientemente, Katy fue responsable de las medidas correctoras del estado para garantizar la inscripción continua en Medicaid de los jóvenes que salían del sistema de acogida, así como de las personas que anteriormente recibían Medicaid a través de acuerdos estatales de ayuda a la adopción y de la Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario. Katy también tiene experiencia litigando asuntos individuales y sistémicos relacionados con el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP).
Universidad de Florida, Facultad de Derecho Fredric G. Levin; Juris Doctor Cum Laude, 2008; Matrícula de Honor en Investigación y Redacción Jurídica
Universidad del Estado de Florida, Tallahassee, FL, Licenciatura en Ciencias Cum Laude
Board Membership: Disability Rights Florida, Sept. 2016 – present
UF College of Law, Center on Children & Families, Advisory Board Member
Miembro del Colegio de Abogados: Florida
Admisiones judiciales: United States District Courts for the Northern & Middle Districts of Florida; Eleventh Circuit, United States Court of Appeals
Consultor de evaluación
Megan has over ten years of experience working on nationally recognized quality improvement projects, most notably the CMS Initiative to Reduce Avoidable Hospitalizations among Nursing Home Residents, called the New York – Reducing Avoidable Hospitalizations (NY-RAH) project in New York State. As the Senior Director of Grants and Programs at the Greater New York Hospital Association, Megan managed the NY-RAH project and worked with over 50 nursing homes across New York State to improve workflows that would improve patient care through payment incentives in addition to reducing errors and avoidable transfers. Her work on improving the quality of life for the elderly has brought her to FHJP and is currently working with FHJP on projects related to streamlining and improving Florida Medicaid’s Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Long Term Care Waiver Program.
Megan received her Bachelor of Art in Communications and Rhetoric from the University at Albany and her Master of Health Administration from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University. Megan is the Principal of Rockwell Health Solutions, LLC, a quality improvement based consulting firm located in Miami, FL.
Supervising Attorney
Margaret Kosyk joined FHJP in 2024, bringing her expertise as a dedicated Florida-
based legal aid attorney with a focus on health law and access to public benefits. A
proud graduate of Florida International University College of Law, Ms. Kosyk earned her
law degree in 2013 and was admitted to The Florida Bar the same year.
Her legal journey began as a student attorney in the Health Law and Policy Clinic,
where she honed her skills in advocating for those in need. With significant experience
at Florida Legal Services and Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc. (CCLA),
Ms. Kosyk has tirelessly championed the rights of underserved communities in Florida,
including low-income children, disabled adults, and seniors.
With a decade of service at CCLA, Ms. Kosyk has successfully navigated the intricate
landscape of public benefits laws, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care
Act, Social Security Disability, and Long-Term Care benefits. She has provided legal
assistance to numerous clients, expertly resolving eligibility issues, rectifying agency
errors, and representing clients in administrative hearings. Her advocacy has
empowered many to appeal unjust eligibility denials and secure the medical services
they are entitled to.
In addition to her direct legal work, Ms. Kosyk has also taken on leadership roles,
supervising paralegals and mentoring newer attorneys in health law and public benefits
cases. Now at FHJP, Ms. Kosyk continues her unwavering commitment to enhancing
access to justice for Florida residents in underserved communities, making a significant
impact in their lives.
Director de Pro Bono
Esq. is a dedicated advocate with a multifaceted background encompassing law, business, and community service. With experience in criminal defense and corporate law gained from his tenure at a prestigious law firm, Ronnie brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his current role as the Pro Bono Director at the Florida Health Justice Project (FHJP). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Master of Business Administration from Florida A&M University (FAMU). He is also a proud graduate of the University of Miami School of Law.
Ronnie’s passion for achieving health justice stems from his previous work as a Field Coordinator of research at the University of Florida, where he investigated food deserts and SNAP recipients’ access to nutritious food in Tallahassee.
Since graduating from the University of Miami School of Law in 2021, Ronnie has since been actively engaged in various legal and civic endeavors. Specifically, Ronnie has previously served as Vice-Chair of the Jacksonville Bar Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and as an associate member of the prestigious Chester Bedell Inn of Court. He is also a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the D.W. Perkins Bar Association.
Especialista multimedia
Jay has over 20 years of experience in multimedia production and communication technologies. Having collaborated on various technology projects with numerous colleges and universities throughout New York State as well as the New York State Department of Education, he has served in the roles of Distance Learning Project Manager, Production Manager, Content Manager, Technology Coordinator, Training Facilitator and Education Lobbyist.
Jay is deeply committed to FHJP’s mission of supporting health care as a human right and the belief that America cannot have health justice without racial justice or racial justice without heath justice.
Since moving to Florida, Jay has worked with a variety of clients as an independent consultant in multimedia production and communication technologies. Additionally, he has continued his commitment to education by having served on the Executive Boards and Committees of several non-profit entities throughout Florida and Miami-Dade County; Florida State Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Miami-Dade County Council PTA, African American Children with Learning Disabilities, Coconut Grove Drug Free Community Coalition, and Coconut Grove Ministerial Alliance. Jay’s work in the community earned him the PTA President of the Year Award from the Miami-Dade County Council PTA and Miami-Dade County Public School’s Family of the Year Award.
Jay is an alum of New York University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management, a Master of Science in Tourism and Travel Management and obtained a Professional Certificate in Strategic Marketing. During his undergraduate and graduate studies, he was honored with the President’s Service Award for Student Leadership and the Founders’ Academic Scholar Award.
Defensora de los derechos sanitarios
Nicole es nuestra trabajadora social y defensora de los derechos sanitarios. Tiene más de una década de experiencia trabajando con sistemas hospitalarios sin ánimo de lucro en el sur de Florida antes de unirse a Florida Health Justice Project. Dedicada a la justicia social, Nicole ha dedicado su carrera a la defensa de la equidad sanitaria.
Anteriormente, Nicole dirigió nuestro equipo en la iniciativa Connecting Kids to Coverage (Conectando a los niños a la cobertura), donde defendió la promoción del acceso a la atención sanitaria para los niños de Miami-Dade. Sus experiencias vividas, su compromiso con la divulgación y su enfoque creativo de las asociaciones comunitarias la convirtieron en un activo para el proyecto.
Nicole sigue trabajando en la defensa de Medicaid y participa en actividades de divulgación y educación en la comunidad local. Su inquebrantable dedicación a la justicia social y la equidad sanitaria está a la vanguardia de su trabajo con los clientes, ya que trabaja diligentemente para mejorar el acceso a la atención sanitaria para las comunidades a las que sirve. Es particularmente experta en colaborar con equipos multidisciplinares y socios comunitarios para desarrollar y aplicar programas que promuevan el bienestar a nivel micro y macro.
Nicole tiene un máster en Trabajo Social y otro en Salud Pública por la Universidad Internacional de Florida. Está certificada en Salud Pública por la Junta Nacional de Examinadores de Salud Pública.
Director de Participación y Narración
Maira is a native of Cartagena, Colombia, who grew up around community meetings led by her mom to improve the quality of life of their low-income neighborhood. Kitchen table conversations, Socratic circles, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations has always been present in her life.
As a communicator (sometimes as a journalist, others as a strategist), she has always been passionate about building bridges so marginalized populations can have access to a thriving life. Activating communities’ voices so they can use their natural power is the motto that has guided her professional experience for over two decades.
Maira has more than a decade of teaching experience as a college professor in Colombia, Mexico and the United States. She also has worked as a research consultant in Colombia and Mexico, evaluating several programs that involved community engagement.
Maira completed a doctorate in educational leadership at the University of North Florida, writing her dissertation on early literacy practices at home and beliefs about education among the Hispanic community in Jacksonville. Based on the results of her dissertation, Duval County Public School created the first bilingual Voluntary Prekindergarten Program at West Riverside Elementary School. In addition to her doctorate, Maira holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in communication.
Maira currently serves on the board of 904ward, and Volunteers in Medicine.
Maira worked at the Jacksonville Public Education Fund for over 8 years. During this time, she led the ONE by ONE Movement that achieved the passing of the Half Penny for Schools in Duval county (a tax referendum to improve facilities in one of the largest urban districts in the United States).
Jared joined our team in the Winter of 2024. He has worked for a food justice initiative in Chicago’s farmers markets, taught in a Montessori school in Mexico City, and made sourdough bread at an artisan bakery in Miami. Jared is committed to working toward a world where healthcare and the means to flourish are accessible to all.
Jared received his Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and Philosophy from the University of Chicago.
Administrador del programa
Bryan joined our team in the Summer of 2021. After working as an AmeriCorps VISTA in the University of Miami, he developed an interest in public health and the work done by nonprofit organizations. With almost five years of professional experience working in customer service and in administrative roles, he seeks to pursue his newfound interest in science journalism and public health sciences.
Bryan received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Puerto Rico and his Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, Policy & Management from Central European University.
Jerron is a dedicated legal professional with a passion for advocating for the rights of vulnerable populations, particularly children. As a Staff Attorney at the Florida Health Justice Project, Jerron leverages his diverse background and extensive experience to champion children’s rights and ensure access to essential healthcare services for all.
Jerron has a breadth of litigation skills honed through years of experience representing clients in a wide range of legal matters. As an Assistant Public Defender in the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Jerron has successfully navigated criminal defense litigation, including handling felony and misdemeanor jury trials. Additionally, his experience in civil private practice has equipped him with the skills to handle diverse litigation matters, in both state and federal court.
Jerron is deeply passionate about serving youth and making a positive impact through community service. His involvement as a Board Member for Communities in Schools of Jacksonville underscores his dedication to supporting underserved communities and providing valuable resources and mentorship to young people. Moreover, his past experience serving youth in the University of Florida Gator TeamChild Law Clinic and as an Attorney Ad Litem at Crossroads for Florida Kids reflects his unwavering commitment to ensuring that every child has access to the support and resources they need to thrive.
Presidente de la Junta
Paul, líder nacional en el mundo de los servicios jurídicos y la justicia para las personas mayores, ha dedicado su carrera a garantizar que los abogados de servicios jurídicos a nivel nacional, estatal y local puedan luchar eficazmente contra la pobreza de las personas mayores y hacer frente a los obstáculos para quienes se enfrentan a las mayores disparidades en materia de salud y riqueza. Paul fundó Justicia en el envejecimiento (antes National Senior Citizens law Center) y fue Director Ejecutivo de 1972 a 1980.
Volvió a dirigir Justice in Aging de 2008 a 2013 y actualmente ejerce de asesor especial, trabajando en proyectos como los esfuerzos de la organización por restablecer y mejorar el programa de Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario. Entre medias, fue director del Instituto de Derecho Público de la Universidad de Nuevo México (UNM) y miembro de la facultad de Derecho de la UNM, donde ahora es emérito. Paul ha regresado a Florida, su estado natal, y se ha comprometido a aumentar los recursos de defensa y a promover la justicia sanitaria y económica en Florida y otros estados del Sur.
Paul fue presidente de la American Society on Aging y miembro fundador de la ABA Commission on Law and Aging. También ha sido Secretario Nacional de las Panteras Grises y ex Presidente de la Junta del Comité Nacional para Preservar la Seguridad Social y Medicare (NCPSSM); actualmente forma parte de la Junta del NCPSSM. Paul es licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Duke y en Derecho por la Universidad de Chicago.
Taffy es una neuróloga jubilada que ha pasado su carrera atendiendo a pacientes individuales y afrontando los retos de garantizar el acceso a una asistencia sanitaria asequible y de calidad para sus pacientes. Aunque tenía dos hijos pequeños, de 6 y 8 años, Taffy decidió estudiar medicina después de que ella y un familiar cercano sufrieran problemas de salud que pusieron en peligro su vida.
Se doctoró en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Tufts e hizo la residencia en el Centro Médico de Nueva Inglaterra y en el Centro Médico de la Universidad de Duke. Como estudiante de medicina, también se formó en la República Popular China, donde conoció la medicina tradicional china y la medicina "occidental".
Taffy también ha impartido clases en el Hospital Mulago de Kampala (Uganda) a través de Health Volunteers Overseas, donde conoció de primera mano los retos especiales de ejercer la medicina en un entorno con pocos recursos. A lo largo de su carrera, Taffy ha atendido a pacientes con Medicaid, así como a pacientes sin seguro. Es muy consciente de los "determinantes sociales de la salud" y de los retos a los que se enfrentan sus pacientes de bajos ingresos para poder acceder a una atención sanitaria asequible y de calidad.
Aunque Taffy y su marido, el renombrado matemático Phillip A. Griffiths, dividen su tiempo entre Princeton, la costa este de Maryland y Miami, están comprometidos con la misión de garantizar que los floridanos de rentas bajas tengan acceso a la atención sanitaria.
Tesorero del Consejo
Cherie comenzó su carrera sin ánimo de lucro trabajando para un museo regional, principalmente en finanzas y operaciones. En 2007 se incorporó a Disability Rights Florida; actualmente es Directora de Operaciones y Directora Financiera. Tuvo la suerte de pasar varios años viajando por Florida visitando residencias de ancianos, hogares de grupo, casas de acogida y centros de vida asistida. Esta experiencia le abrió los ojos a las lagunas en el servicio y los recursos para las personas con discapacidad y creó una pasión por el servicio a aquellos que a menudo deben luchar por la igualdad de condiciones.
Actualmente es miembro del consejo del Florida Developmental Disabilities Council. Anteriormente ha formado parte de juntas como la GFWC Florida Federation of Women's Clubs, Tallahassee Museum, Association of Government Accountants, Big Bend Homeless Coalition y muchas otras. Cherie pasa su tiempo libre con su familia disfrutando de los hermosos cursos de agua y las colinas rojas del Big Bend.
Zinzi (she/her/hers) is a social epidemiologist focused on the health impacts of and policy solutions for structural and institutional racism, the use of data in equitable policy and management, and cancer health disparities. She is the CEO and Managing Director of Health Equity Research Solutions, LLC and based at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Jay Weiss Institute for Health Equity at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Prior to these positions, she was the Director of Research and Evaluation at the Center for Health Equity in the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Zinzi serves as not only a board member of Florida Health Justice Project, but also an Associate Director to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program and a mentor for the Health Policy Research Scholars program, also funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
She received her B.A. from Princeton University, an MSPH from Emory University and her ScD from Harvard University.
Shawn, Executive Director of Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, is committed to advancing human rights and health care justice for all. Shawn was inspired to begin his legal career as a Skadden fellow with the Appalachian Research and Defense Fund of Kentucky (“Appalred” ) after spending time in the coal mining hollows of Eastern Kentucky. While working at Appalred, he represented clients in Kentucky’s most rural and impoverished counties on a number of health justice issues, including claims for federal black lung benefits for disabled coal miners.
After leaving Kentucky and prior to undertaking a leadership role in Maryland’s legal aid program, Shawn worked for 12 years in 3 of Florida’s largest legal services programs, including Legal Services of Greater Miami, Coast to Coast Legal Services and Broward Legal Aid. His work and expertise span a range of civil legal aid substantive areas that impact the social determinants of health—including housing, health, consumer and elder law.
As Project Director for the HIV/AIDS Law Project and Director of Advocacy at Broward legal Aid, Shawn also co-counseled major statewide Medicaid class actions. Shawn has deep ties to Florida and an enduring commitment to health care justice for all.
Dr. Anderson graduated from University of Pittsburgh’s School of Medicine and trained in Family Medicine at the University of Miami. His career focus has been on caring for medically underserved populations and seeking innovative ways to build effective interdisciplinary teams to address their health care needs.
He began as a National Health Service Corps participant at a community clinic in Little Havana, Miami. While working at the county’s community clinics, he was promoted to medical director and also served as Medical Supervisor for the county’s Medical Care-a-vans, where he oversaw mobile outreach efforts in Miami-Dade County.
He joined Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine in June 2012. Dr. Anderson currently acts as the Medical Director for the Green Family Foundation Mobile Health Centers and Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities, Health, and Society. He oversees quality improvement efforts in the department, works on developing clinical services for underserved populations, and seeks to integrate legal offerings with medical services through the NHELP Medical-Legal Partnership.
His projects include incorporating social determinants of health into the medical plan of care, integrating behavioral health with primary care, and the use of health information technology to provide improved care to vulnerable communities. He is board certified in Family Medicine.
Brian es Director Financiero y Director de Operaciones de Catalyst Miami. Es abogado y contador público y fue voluntario del Cuerpo de Paz en Costa Rica. Trabajó durante 20 años para CARE, una organización internacional humanitaria y de desarrollo, viviendo sobre todo en África.
En su tiempo libre, Brian corre maratones y está cursando un máster.
Aidil Oscariz es fundadora y presidenta de Advance Justice Consulting, que desarrolla estrategias y programas de apoyo a organizaciones de justicia social. Sus servicios incluyen asistencia y estrategias políticas y jurídicas, así como participación comunitaria y creación de coaliciones. Anteriormente fue Vicepresidenta de Política y Defensa de Catalyst Miami. Presta apoyo a otras organizaciones para promover la justicia social en Miami y en todo Florida. Con este objetivo, también forma parte de varias juntas, entre ellas el Miami Workers Center, la Anthropocene Alliance, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del condado de Miami-Dade, Unity through Creativity, y es presidenta de la sección del sur de Florida del National Lawyers Guild.
Anteriormente, Aidil fue abogada y coordinadora pro bono de Americans for Immigrant Justice, donde representó y defendió a inmigrantes, incluidos niños no acompañados, y supervisó el programa pro bono. También ha trabajado para otras organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y ha sido asesora de diversas organizaciones y grupos comunitarios para empoderar y mejorar la vida de las poblaciones vulnerables y desatendidas. En 2009, su investigación se publicó en Churches and Charity in the Immigrant City: Religion, Immigration, and Civic Engagement in Miami.
Aidil tiene un máster en Sociología Comparada por la Universidad Internacional de Florida y un doctorado en Derecho por la Universidad de Fordham. Es escritora y le apasiona proteger nuestro planeta y hacer del mundo un hogar más sano y más justo, consciente, alegre y equitativo para todos nosotros.
El Dr. Stephens ha dedicado la mayor parte de su carrera a mejorar la vida de los niños. Le preocupa mucho la equidad en la atención sanitaria bucodental, sobre todo para los niños vulnerables. Con este fin, estableció la práctica de la especialidad dental pediátrica en Jessie Trice Community Health Center, el centro de salud comunitario federalmente calificado más antiguo de Florida. Su consulta está situada en uno de los barrios más desatendidos de Miami, Liberty City.
El Dr. Stephens se licenció en el Williams College en 2000. Se graduó de la Universidad de Columbia en 2010 después de completar un programa de doble titulación con el Colegio de Medicina Dental y la Escuela de Graduados de Negocios. Su formación especializada en odontología pediátrica la realizó en el Miami Children's Hospital (ahora Nicklaus Children's). En 2016, fue seleccionado para el programa Miami Fellows, el principal programa de desarrollo de liderazgo cívico del sur de Florida para jóvenes profesionales. En 2017, la Academia Estadounidense de Odontología Pediátrica lo eligió para su Beca Samuel D. Harris en Política de Atención de la Salud Bucodental.
Chris McAliley served as a United States Magistrate Judge, for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida (Miami) from 2004 until she retired in 2023. While on the Court, Chris presided over civil and criminal cases. Chris graduated from the NYU School of Law in 1983 and for 21 years before she joined the bench she worked as a litigator. Her practice included criminal defense, commercial civil litigation, and nine years as an Assistant U. S. Attorney in the criminal division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office (Miami), where she founded and served as Chief of the Environmental Crimes Section. Chris has also developed an expertise in alternative dispute resolution. She is now actively involved in pro bono community engagement.