Background: In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 legislation provided states with significant federal funding to ensure continuous Medicaid coverage of individuals enrolled in the program, even those who are no longer technically eligible. States were required to maintain this moratorium on terminations until the end of the Public Health Emergency (also referred to as the “PHE”). In late December 2022, the law was changed to “de-link” the requirement of continuous Medicaid from the end of the PHE. Although the PHE is still in effect, the continuous Medicaid coverage requirement ends March 31, 2023.
En Florida’s Medicaid Redetermination Plan, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) will begin reviewing Medicaid eligibility for approximately 4.9 million Floridians in March 2023. The reviews will be spread over 12 months. Terminations for those who are sent case redetermination (also called “renewal”) notices in March and who are found to be ineligible or who fail to complete the renewal process will be effective April 30, 2023.
Impact of ending the continuous coverage provision on the Palm Beach area’s Medicaid enrollment: Medicaid enrollment in the Palm Beach area has increased by approximately 187,104 (58% increase) between March 2020 and March 2023. The largest rate of increase is among: 1) 19-20 year olds, whose enrollment has increased by over 14,429 (263%); and 2) parents & caregivers, where enrollment has increased from 40,157 to 116,498 (190%). The Appendix details the increases.
Grupos con mayor riesgo de perder la cobertura porque ya no pueden optar a Medicaid:
Greatest impact: Those most likely to lose Medicaid are also those who have experienced the highest rate of enrollment increase– parents/caregivers and 19-20 year olds. They are at risk because their family income exceeds Florida’s limit for these groups which is less than 30% of the federal poverty guidelines, e.g. less than $ 500/month for a parent and one child.
Children at risk of losing coverage due to procedural issues: As of March 2023, 242,822 children are enrolled in Medicaid in the Palm Beach area. While many children currently enrolled are still eligible for Medicaid (or Kidcare), experts estimate a coverage loss or interruption of 18% due to administrative & procedural issues. Thus, in the Palm Beach area, over 44,000 children are at risk of losing coverage even though they remain technically eligible. Experts also note that children and young adults will be disproportionately impacted, and that nearly one third of those predicted to lose coverage are Latino and 15% are Black.
NEXT STEPS: The most important mensaje para los beneficiarios de Medicaid AHORA es actualizar su información, incluida su dirección, en ACCESS. Si usted tiene referencias de clientes individuales o le gustaría unirse a un listserv para las actualizaciones, por favor póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo a través de correo electrónico (